Amritsar Haridwar

Amritsar to Haridwar Taxi Service

However if you are looking to go on a one way journey it's best to hire a chauffeur-driven one way cab. Amritsar to Haridwar car hire service, taxi hire in Amritsar, Amritsar cab rental service, Amritsar to Haridwar car, Amritsar to Haridwar drop service, cab in Amritsar, best taxi service in Amritsar. There are many ways to go from Amritsar ​to Haridwar. The most comfortable and speediest option is to get a outstation taxi rental. Bal Travels is a Best Taxi Service Provider in Amritsar.

About Haridwar

Haridwar is an ancient city and important Hindu pilgrimage site in North India's Uttarakhand state, where the River Ganges exits the Himalayan foothills. The largest of several sacred ghats (bathing steps), Har Ki Pauri hosts a nightly Ganga Aarti (river-worshipping ceremony) in which tiny flickering lamps are floated off the steps. Worshipers fill the city during major festivals including the annual Kanwar Mela.

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